Monday, May 7, 2007

Has the Media Learned Nothing?

In today's D.C. Examiner, I expand on some earlier thoughts, taking Washington's press corps to task for it's curious lack of interest in asking tough questions to Democrats proposing "a new way forward" in Iraq:

Having failed to survive Bush’s veto, Democrats are now scrapping “timetables” in favor of “benchmarks.” Ostensibly these make America’s continued support conditional upon verifiable progress from Iraq’s government.

Again, the press, Washington’s (with its closer access) in particular, has an opportunity to prove its mettle. Tough questions:

» Does it make sense to threaten American allies?

» How can Congress be sure “benchmarks” won’t increase short-term violence, whereby insurgents could ensure discontinued U.S. support?

» Who creates the benchmarks? How will they be verified? How will it be determine they’ve been met to satisfaction?

Read the rest here.

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