Friday, June 15, 2007

Beasties on Tour

Pretty cool. The Beasties have a Flickr page up where they're posting shots from the road. They also have blogs -- one regular, and one for the tour. After (yet another) European tour, they're playing East Coast shows in early August. Sadly, the two NYC shows -- Summerstage in Central Park and McCarren Pool in Brooklyn -- are insanely expensive ($60 after Ticketbastard's $10 rape fee). I'll be attending the show in the BK, and hanging out in Central Park, hopefully close enough to hear the music without having to fork over the remainder of my life savings.

For those who haven't heard their latest album, The Mix Up, you really oughta. Mike D described it as different from The In Sound From the Way Out, despite both being instrumentals only. But he's wrong. It's just as funky, just as dank, and just as worthy of everyone going out and picking up a copy. My only complaint is that it's too short. Each track clocks in around 4 minutes, and with only 10 or so songs, the whole thing's over before you've even put on your leisure suit.

Peep the video for Off the Grid:

Aside from the posted tour dates, they'll also be playing a number of secret shows. From their e-mail:
THE GALA EVENTS will be in smaller spots, more exclusive, more intimate. this will be more like quality time, our time, just you and the band sitting by a fire on a tropical beach late at night being serenaded with love songs. these shows are for people that are into our weird stuff, so if you want to get weird together, this is your call. these shows will be based around the instruments. some songs will have vocals, others will be instrumental. BUT if you'd like to come to one of these shows, then dress to impress, wear a suit, a tie, a dress, a gown or whatever you feel dressed up in... AND PLEASE leave your cargo shorts, birkenstocks and t-shirts at home, this is not that kind of party.

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