Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Don't Worry About Terrorism; Eat Vegetables

If Mayor Bloomberg ever gets serious about running for national office, particularly for the presidency, he's going to have to stop equating the War on Terrorism with his adventures in babysitting.

This Monday, following attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow, Mayor Mike said the biggest threats to New Yorkers have nothing to do with terrorism: "Don't go the beach where there's no lifeguards or to pool where there's no lifeguards. Sadly at the end of this weekend, or this week, you'll find that probably a lot more people were killed there than will be killed by terrorism."

Earlier this month, following a foiled plot to blow up New York City's own JFK Airport, incinerating thousands in the process, Bloomberg said: "There are lots of threats to you in the world. There’s the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can’t sit there and worry about everything. Get a life."

Before that, he used the occasion of Memorial Day to trumpet his congestion-pricing plan, as The New York Post then reported:
U.S. troops will be fighting in vain if New Yorkers aren't healthy enough to enjoy the freedoms they are defending, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday -- making a tenuous Memorial Day link between the war and his congestion pricing plan.

After marching in the Laurelton Memorial Day Parade, Bloomberg made a push for his plan, calling it a "win, win, win, for everybody."

"Our soldiers are fighting so that we have our freedoms. Unless you have good health, you're not going to be around to enjoy them," Bloomberg said.

"The pollution that's going into the air today is causing our kids in a lot of neighborhoods in New York City to have four times the national asthma rate."

The mayor enlisted a group of environmental activists to buttress his case and emphasized that the city's air is simply not good enough.

"It is not healthy for you; it's not healthy for our children yet to be born, or our children who are here today.

"We have to do something to reduce the pollution in the air and the only solution really is mass transit and the only place money is going to come for mass transit is from something like congestion pricing," Bloomberg said.

Adam Brodsky says without a strong stance in the terror war, Bloomberg has no real reason to run.

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