Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Higher Taxes Never Pay

Virginia Republicans have proven too clever by half. Thinking they could hike taxes by calling it by another name -- in this case, "abuser fees" -- Democrats, who, of course, went along with the plan, are now hammering away at the tax-hiking GOP.

The Washington Post reports how regret is quickly spreading among the ranks:
On doorsteps, in e-mails and in phone calls, candidates are hearing from thousands of voters that the fees, which apply to the state's most egregious driving offenses and in some cases reach $3,000, must be repealed. The GOP-controlled legislature and Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) supported the fees to finance road and transit improvements. [...]

The fees are expected to raise $65 million a year for transportation improvements.

"I think the fact that we are only penalizing Virginia drivers is patently unfair," said O'Brien, who voted for the fees but now wants a special session before the election, as does Devolites Davis. Kaine has said he will not call a special session.

Just last week, Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter (R-Prince William), who had supported the fees, joined a growing list of legislators calling for repeal, saying the measures are "beyond repair."

"Scott is listening to his constituents," said House Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford). "I guess it's fair game for challengers."

The Post says Republicans are now in danger of losing the state legislature. Hard to see how this would be a fate undeserved.


  1. As a criminal myself, I'm voting Democrat this year so I don't have to pay higher fees for the crimes I commit.

  2. If you were a criminal, you'd know that criminals don't pay fines.

  3. If you were a criminal, you'd know that criminals don't pay fines.

    Haha, never try to outsmart an outlaw.
